#: locale=nl ## Tour ### Title tour.name = Untitled 6 ## Media ### Title album_09B133B9_069F_880E_4163_513EE6E8CA1C.label = Photo Album scherm 1 panorama_ECA30EE3_E7BB_223F_41E0_0B868A696BEF.label = 1e plek panorama_ED4C9E08_E7BD_220A_41E1_4522C8BC3C94.label = midden zaal leeropstelling panorama_ED4CDB84_E7BD_22FA_41E5_69F8924B0CD7.label = midden zaal projectopstelling panorama_ED4DD0BE_E7BD_1E09_41E2_21CCCDB9AC28.label = desk photo_F2B6E99B_E795_6E0F_41CE_3A0CC166C5AE.label = 614J4wqIdQL._AC_SL1300_ ## Popup ### Body htmlText_F42476DC_E795_220A_41E0_A8FEBB6F78E7.html =
•Full HD 1080p output resolution with 30fps
•VGA, HDMI input and output and supports HDMI pass-through
•20 times variable zoom ratio
•Built-in microphone
•One- Touch synchronous audio video recording
•Compatible with USB flash drives, expandable to 4TB
•Dual gooseneck side lamps for anti-reflection
•Full sized built-in LED backlight design for X-rays, film, and slides
•Folds down to a height of six inches (15 cm)
•Rigid lens provides protection from abnormal operation
product website
### Title window_F422A6DC_E795_220A_41DE_3A14996B5538.title = Document Camera ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F68E0B53_E795_221F_41E0_1D639B5F9F31.toolTip = INFO